
class Node

The Node class provides ethereum networking functions and other useful properties.

Obtaining the Node object

You do not need to instantiate the Node object. You can get it by calling SLDapp.node, SLContract.node or Erc20.node.



Returns the Web3.ens object. Useful for calling ens.resolve(name) to perform a lookup or to perform reverse lookup.


Returns the highest known block.


Returns the number of blocks behind, or None if synced.


Returns the current eth price in USD, as listed in the Maker contract oracle used by the CDP/DAI system.


Returns the uppercase network name string. Returns a string value of the network ID if not recognized.


Returns the decimal ether value of the user’s current address.


Return reverse lookup ENS domain of the user’s current address, or None.

Low Level Methods

These are low level methods that do not generate any UI.

Node.push(contract_function, gas_price, gas_limit=None, value=0, nonce=None)

Pushes a Tx function directly to the credstick for signing and publishing on the network.

value is the integer-value of wei to send with Tx. gas_price is an integer wei value. You need to set gas_limit on this method. If nonce is not set, it will be automatically calculated for the next valid nonce on the current user address.

Node.send_ether(destination, amount, gas_price, nonce=None)

Requests an ether send for credstick signing and publishing on the network.

destination is a string ethereum address. amount is the ether value in decimal format. gas_price is an integer wei value. If nonce is not set, it will be automatically calculated for the next valid nonce on the current user address.

Node.send_erc20(token, destination, amount, gas_price, nonce=None)

Requests an Erc20 send for signing and publishing on the network.

token is an Erc20 or SLContract object which has an Erc20 compatible transfer() function.

destination is an address. amount is a human-friendly decimal amount. gas_price is an integer wei value. If nonce is not set, it will be automatically calculated for the next valid nonce on the current user address.